- Correlation plot: Shows the correlation between each cis-SNP and the selected gene.
- Expression plot: shows the expression profile of the selected gene by the selected covariate.
- Genotype vs expression plot: shows the expression of the selected gene vs the genotype of a selected SNP with a regression line by the selected covariate.
- Frequency table: shows the total number of samples and the number of samples for each level of the covariate.
- Correlation table: shows the correlation between the expression of the selected gene and the genotype of a selected SNP.
A table for each cis-SNP of the selected gene is displayed and can be downloaded. The columns of the table are: the SNP, the coefficient of correlation (r2), the p.value of the association, the position of the SNP, the minor allele frequency (MAF) and the two alleles (A and B).
- Enter a gene name.
- Filter the values of the different available covariates.
- Choose the correlation method (Pearson or Spearman).
- Choose the range (from -2000 to 2000 Kb) to consider a SNP at a cis distance of the selected gene.
- Select the adjustment covariates.
- Select the significance threshold (0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 or Bonferroni).
- Select a SNP of interest.
- Select a MAF threshold.
- Choose a threshold for the correlation.
- Select a covariate to perform the analysis (default = tissue).
- Select an expression range: y-coordinate adjustment